The main mandate of Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. is to preserve and advance the quality of life in the community, promoting development in areas such as culture, education, environment, health, heritage, recreation, the arts and other purposes which are beneficial to the community as a whole.
Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. provides a unique opportunity for local residents to invest in their community!
The community foundation is permanent, but flexible and can adapt to changes in Carberry and Area.
Gifts made to Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. are pooled and invested, and a portion of the income earned is disbursed as grants and scholarships. Because the original donations are invested and never spent, this practice assures donors that decades from now, the original spirit and intent of their gift will continue to be honoured.
Donations are tax deductible.
Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. was incorporated in 1996 as a non-profit charitable organization (#88709 6089 RR0001).
Our Vision
That our entire community, people and prosperity, continue to grow in healthy, equitable and vital ways.
Our Mission
By identifying and understanding our community’s needs, creating and maintaining partnerships that support effective solutions, engaging and stewarding caring investors who fund our endowments and our grants, we are growing our entire community.
Our Values
Commitment – We give our time and energy to support the growth of our community foundation and, in turn, our entire community.
Thoughtfulness – We place effort into understanding our community’s needs before making decisions and taking action.
Support – We provide assistance to the local charities and organizations that are helping our community grow.
Integrity – We follow a code of moral values, honesty, and accountability.
Courage – We persevere, in the face of challenges, as we undertake our work as a community foundation.
Inclusiveness – We invite participation by all members of our community, and actively seek their input and perspective in helping us achieve our goals.