When making a donation or establishing a fund with Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. you are making a lasting commitment to Carberry and Area. All donations are invested and a portion of the income earned from the gifts is used for grant making. This means that your original donation will have a lasting impact on the community for years to come.
Give a gift to Carberry & Area Community Foundation securely online, in person or by mail.
Contributions may be made to the Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Gift or pledge of money
2. Property
3. Wills and bequests: Individuals may provide gifts to the Foundation in their wills. A lawyer should be consulted when making a bequest.
4. Life insurance: A contribution may be made through a gift of life insurance naming the Carberry and Area Community Foundation as a beneficiary. An estate planner should be consulted in this matter.
5. Tribute or memorial: A gift may be made in honour of a living person, organization, field of interest, event or in memory of a relative or friend. The Foundation will acknowledge such gifts.
6. Multi-year pledge: You may make an initial contribution and a commitment to add to the initial donation over a period of years.
Donate Today!
Securely Online by Credit Card through The Winnipeg Foundation/Endow Manitoba website:
In Person (Cash or Cheque):
BMO Bank of Montreal Carberry
Westoba Credit Union Carberry
By Mail (Cheque):
Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc.
Box 807 Carberry, MB R0K 0H0