Each year the Grade 10 Life Work Planning classes at Carberry Collegiate participate in the annual YiP program, provided by Carberry and Area Community Foundation. Year after year, this program proves to be successful and a very positive experience for the students, as it educates them about our local community foundation and the needs of our various local organizations.
The Grade 10's, while under the supervision of the Life Work Planning teacher, are provided $2,500.00 from Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc. to grant to the projects/organizations of their choice, after conducting research in the community.
The group begins by taking part in an interactive presentation by Carberry and Area Community Foundation Inc., which transitions into brainstorming as a class, thinking about the needs of Carberry and Area. The students narrow down their list of possible grantees, and then begin reaching out to various community organizations, asking them to answer any questions the class may have about the organization or project.
After conducting their research, the Grade 10's must then determine which organizations will be the recipients of their $2,500.00, and how much each will receive.
In recent years, the students have been initiating their own fundraiser in order to increase the dollars they have available for granting! Some examples include: community BBQ, raffle table and bake sale.
To date, the Foundation board members have been very pleased with each and every Grade 10 Life Work Planning class’s decision and have fully supported their granting selections.
Past teachers and students have indicated that the project was a great learning experience, including how important it is to maintain our community as well as how much it costs to do so. Thank you Carberry Collegiate for partnering on this initiative, allowing students to be part of making our community an even better place to live, work and play!