Have you ever asked what makes our community such a great place to live, and how we can keep it that way?
At the heart of the matter, the Carberry and Area Community Foundation cares about those same questions.
Led by volunteer community leaders, the Foundation donates money to local people, charities and organizations who need a little extra help to reach their goals – maybe a scholarship for a graduating student, a new play structure at the local school, an art program for seniors, or help developing a hiking trail for active living. In the grand scheme of life, these may seem like “little things” but they do add up in making our communities such great places to live. And that’s just today…
We also help ensure that our community remains a great place to live by investing in our future. Unlike most organizations that focus just on the now, Carberry and Area Community Foundation is constantly thinking about our community's future, and builds funds to support whatever needs our communities may have in the next 5, 10, 20 years, or more. In many ways, we are like insurance against a changing future – to make sure our communities remain strong and vibrant.
People are constantly being asked to help out more, to give more to various charities. How is a community foundation any different?
Every dollar you donate, or as we like to call it: “invest in your community,” remains in our foundation, and in your community, forever. YOUR DOLLAR IS NEVER SPENT. Instead, we pool everyone’s money and, with help from other community foundations across Manitoba, we get expert investment advice that makes sure to keep that money safe while still getting the best earnings possible. We then use those earnings to help support local charities and other community priorities. WITHOUT EVER SPENDING THE ORIGINAL AMOUNT. The more we have invested, the more we can do for our community now, and in the future.
What has the Carberry and Area Community Foundation done for our local communities?
We are immensely proud of the work we have done to make our communities a better place to live, and are excited for the future. And we know that others are proud as well. Since we were established over 25 years ago with an initial investment of just over $40,000, local residents have continued to help grow our funds to over 4 million dollars. Imagine how big it could grow and the good we could accomplish in the next 25 years.
Please visit our "Grants Awarded" pages to see how we have invested in Carberry and Area.
Now that I understand what you’re about, I love the idea. How can I help?
In order to grow, community foundations need support. But what matters most is that we get that support from people like you who care as much as we do about keeping our communities great. Maybe you can volunteer on some of our committees, maybe you can help out at one of our fundraising events, maybe you can invest, now or later, in one of the many funds we draw on to support our communities. No matter how you help, all that matters is that you join us in making Carberry and Area the best places to live, work and play.