2019 ~ The board of the Carberry and Area Community Foundation is pleased to report that we have passed a resolution to provide a multi-year funding grant toward the Carberry/NCL Fire Hall Expansion project. The commitment will total $50,000, and will be dispersed over five years. $10,000 per year will be granted to the Fire Hall project in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023.
“I am excited that the Carberry and Area Community Foundation has the opportunity to support the Fire Hall expansion project. Our area is very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep us and our property safe during incidents. This expansion will give them much needed space to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. While allowing for sufficient area for proper equipment and vehicle storage as well as being designed to provide enhanced training opportunities. We never anticipate needing the services of the fire department but we are sure thankful to have a highly qualified and trained crew ready to help us if we do,” says Kim Baron, CACF board member.
The Carberry and Area Community Foundation supported a wide range of worthy projects during our spring 2019 granting period, which included $5,000 to the Carberry North Cypress-Langford Fire Hall Expansion, which is a portion of the 2019 $10,000 commitment.